Based somewhere in the Midlands we find this section of mainline passenger railway between London and Birmingham. On the outskirts of the town of Arundale a passenger station is used by London Midland (models confirmed, goes throug to fast lines) and Silverlink (not confirmed, terminates at this station and returns) for local and regional services. During peak times a few Intercity services call along the slow line platform while a faster Pendolino whisks through. The station used to have four platforms but today only three are in mainline use while the forth is used by the local heritage community and can not be accessed from the slow lines. To the west of the station a crossover allows for occasional charters and freight to acces the heritage railway and an industrial site. Several freight operators use the line’s facilities for small repair or to store wagons from the industrial site. Shunting wagons up and down the line is a lucrative business for the community and is done by all sorts of locomotive types although a Western still hasn’t appeared in front of the IZA Cargo Twins.
If we go a bit more to the west we find the slow line joining the main running lines towards Birmingham.
Zo, hopelijk konden jullie dat een beetje volgen, ik had geen zin om mijn schrijfsel te vertalen naar het Nederlands.
Ik ben begonnen met de eerste twee baandelen op de benedenverdieping en heb een dubbele ovaal liggen zodat ik af en toe nog wat kan rijden. Inmiddels heb ik er XPS platen onder gelegd en gaan we langzaam aan richting tafel deel 3.